Dayaraja: MBSR, Yoga und Meditation in Berlin

Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT)

by Mark Williams et al.

Mindfuness-based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT) was developed by professors Williams, Teasdale and Segal to provide those suffering from depression with a practical means of preventing relapse.

Including both core elements of MBSR and techniques of cognitive behavioural therapy, MBCT is usually offered as a training running over 8 weeks. Apart from mindfulness exercises, body awareness (body scan), gentle Yoga stretching, and education of everyday mindfulness, the program included essential information on depression and exercises used in cognitive behavioural therapy.

Mindfulness will help you to more easily become aware of thoughts, feelings and body sensations, thus providing you with a kind of early warning system to counteract potential relapses into depression.

In order to effectively use mindfulness it will be necessary that you implement the exercises from the course in everyday life and practise them on a daily basis. To support this, as a participant of the course you will receive CDs as well as comprehensive handouts for each session.

MBCT courses are specifically addressed to people who have suffered from a number of depressive episodes, yet are presently not depressed.

MBCT courses are built around a progressive series of themes, and offered in weekly sessions of 2.5 hours. Each session includes group practice, some input and presentation, discussion of home work and support for your personal practice. In addition , a mindfulness day of 5 hours length is offered, usually after the 6th session.

To participate, you are asked to commit to a practice of about 40 minutes on 5 days every week. To support your practice you will receive CDs with led exercises. To further develop and deepen awareness, plenty short exercises are included in the course.

As part of the course package, I offer a non-binding consultation that is aimed to help you decide whether it would be sensible to you to do the course at this point in life.

Is this course suitable for you?

Das Programm richtet sich hauptsächlich an Personen, die bereits mehrere depressive Episoden erlebt haben, aber akut nicht depressiv sind.

The Training Course

Der Kurs besteht aus acht aufeinander aufbauenden Terminen, die einmal pro Woche für 2,5 Stunden stattfinden. Im Verlauf eines Kursabends werden wir gemeinsam üben, es gibt einen Kurzvortrag oder eine Präsentation, die Besprechung von Hausaufgaben und einen allgemeinen Austausch über die eigene Erfahrung beim Üben.
Zusätzlich gibt es einen Achtsamkeitstag von etwa 5 Stunden, der in der Regel nach dem sechsten Kurstermin statt findet.

Während der Kursdauer sollten Sie bereit sein, an wenigstens fünf Tagen pro Woche etwa 40 Minuten zu üben. Zur Unterstützung der Übung bekommen Sie entsprechende CDs.
Weitere kleine Übungsaufgaben unterstützen den Aufbau und die Vertiefung der bewussten Wahrnehmung.

Zum Kurskonzept gehört auch ein unverbindliches Vorgespräch, um heraus zu finden, ob dieser Kurs für Sie zu diesem Zeitpunkt der richtige ist oder nicht.